Creation Exists At Different Levels


silhouette photography of person
silhouette photography of person

Creation exists at increasing levels of spirituality. From the highest to the lowest stage, a replica or a reflection of each stage is found in the stage lower to that. The quality of the zerox copy we get when we take the copy of the original will be different from the copy of the zerox of the zerox of the zerox of the original copy. In the same way the world we live in is a faint copy of the true universes above us, which grow in the amount of spirituality and bliss at each level.

Creation exists at increasing levels of spirituality. From the highest to the lowest stage, a replica or a reflection of each stage is found in the stage lower to that. The quality of the zerox copy we get when we take the copy of the original will be different from the copy of the zerox of the zerox of the zerox of the original copy. In the same way the world we live in is a faint copy of the true universes above us, which grow in the amount of spirituality and bliss at each level.

As a toddler we begin our education by joining the playgroup. Then we progress to nursery, LKG, UKG, Primary and Secondary stages of schooling, college education, Masters and Research Scholars and so on.The way of teaching will be different at each stage. The toddlers require a lot of teaching aids, physical things they can handle, rhymes they can recite, sounds they can repeat to focus their mind.

In the same way in Spiritual Education there are levels that we go though and there are no age limits for each class. A person as old as me can be at the playgroup level and a child can be at the college level of spiritual education. Hence we find different types of routines for worship, prayers, rituals, ways and means prescribed to reach God and teachers or Gurus of various levels. Gurus fit to handle the playgroup children cannot guide research scholars unless they themselves have conducted research and have obtained the eligibility to guide others.

We need to know what the levels are, what level we are in, how far we want to go and who can guide us. This is pure self assessment and if we are honest with ourselves we can find the answers to these questions. If we are able to analyse ourselves we will be able to analyse and evaluate the Gurus too we choose to follow.

There are levels above and below Sunn. Below Sunn is Trikuti. Brahma, Pranav or Omkar Pad is this location. Fakirs call it Arsh-Ae-Azim and Alam-Ae-Lahoot. Jogeshwar and true, perfect Gyanis have reached this place. From this place originated the following: The subtle forms of the three gunas and five tatwas, the Vedas, Kuran, the Adipuran of Saravagis, the book of sounds of ether, the entire creation, subtle matter, pure Maya, incarnations of higher levels, Jogeshwars such as Vyas and Vashisht, Rshabadev of Saravagis, Chaitanya Pran. Sant call this place Brahmandi Mind and the Malik of this place is also called Pran Purush and Kuda-Ae-Azim.

Below this level is Sahasdal Kawal, the thousand petal lotus. The reflection or a faint copy of this place is behind the eyes and then in both the eyes. Below this is Pind Desh where we are now. From behind the eyes Surat comes down to the Six Chakras.

There are six subdivisions of the true spheres, their copy is found in the six subtle points of the Ulvi or Asmani Pad and the copy of the copy is found at the six chakras of Sifli that end at the Guda Chakra.

When some of the things of this world appear so amazing to us, how much more amazing will be Brahmand and how can anyone describe the true spheres where there is nothing but pure bliss. Reading about all this will make us only Vachak Gyanis or Pandits. Actual experience in the real sense of the term is what we should aim for.

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